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Ferd. Haecker GmbH & Co. KG
Stuttgarter Straße 36
75179 Pforzheim

Phone  +49 7231 44434-0
Fax  +49 7231 44434-90
E-Mail:   nfhckr-mtlld

Based in Pforzheim
HRA Mannheim 500012
Tax no. : DE144180482

phG: Ferd. Haecker Verw. GmbH
HRB Mannheim 713535
CEO: Bernd Glauner, Michaela Erdmann


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Ferd. Haecker GmbH & Co. KG does not guarantee that the information provided on this website is complete, true or up to date in any case. This also applies to all links to which this website refers directly or indirectly. Ferd. Haecker GmbH & Co. KG is not responsible for the content of a website that can be reached with such a link.

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Internet Project Development

Maulbronner Straße 26
75447 Sternenfels

Phone +49 7045 970-171
Fax +49 7045 970-175
E-Mail:    nfhd-ntrntfrmcm


Picture credits

Winfried Reinhardt

Roland Halbe